AmigaSoc UK

Tentative schedule for seminars at WOA Hammersmith

AmigaSoc is pleased to confirm that the schedule for the seminars at the WOA show in Hammersmith is as follows:

12:10 - 13:00 13:10 - 14:00 14:10 - 15:00 15:10 - 16:00 16:10 - 17:00
16th May
Don Cox

Interfaces for artists and musicians
Kermit Woodall

ImageFX 3.0 and Aladdin 4D demo
Jeroen T. Vermeulen

Java on the Amiga
Steve Jones

The future of the Amiga market
Joe Torre

Amiga-compatible hardware
17th May
Marc Albrecht

ARTAS and Samplitude Opus demo
Mick Tinker

Access technology
Paul Nolan

Photogenics Ng demo
Markus Nerding

EasyWriter demo
Show closed

Please note that these slots may be subject to change, so ensure that you visit this page regularly in case any alterations are made.

There will be a one-off charge for non-ICOA members of �3 for booking a seat at any seminar. This fee covers all seminars that do not involve product demonstrations, so it need only be paid once. It should be noted that AmigaSoc is not taking any of this money. AmigaSoc will have a section allocated in or near to the User Group area.

The seminars will be held in the "Salon Bourg" which is up the stairs immediately left from the entrance to the show (opposite the EyeTech stand).